Friday, October 30, 2009

spicy situations

followed this one awesome colour combo into Little Mysteries. got shy/felt like creepy fashion stalker. pretended to be perusing the merchandise. ended up buying wonderful medicinal tea and Badger massage balm with cayenne and ginger in it (that also tastes good ...) 

Lovely Lady is Louise, an accupuncturist etc etc etc.

massage balm ingredients remind me: just made DELICIOUS mole-ish sauce with the following 

grape seed oil
lemon juice
sea salt

(ingredients not in order of proportion. make at own risk/according to taste for adventure.)

zsuzsi steeeez please

making up outfits is my first brain exercise of the day, right after that jellyfish of a psyllium husk/bentonite clay mixture drink mix!  

( thanks to Lauren for turquoise sock fashion photog today  in the stairwell : )

these new grey shoes i traded with David Bacsi for some oversized (for me) and undersized (for him, but just a little) Kenneth Cole super nice super soft buckskin loafers ... are the best. if i didn't have them i would still be looking for the comfiest shoes ever. 

Gillian lady babe, NSCAD student. nice colours. plus gaudy giant tiger necklace to boot. 

getting good

hello cutie babe! her name is Christel. Masters in Design at NSCADU. 

wow + wow

Jimmy Tony Billy, Cory, David, Carys and Zsuzsa; a bunch of friends went on a roadtrip to Prince Edward Island. We crossed the bridge pumping RATM, slept on beaches, had party nights, skinny dipped, found a large animal jaw bone, reheated vegetarian lasagna over the fire in Camp Cookers Carys and i made at 2 am the night before departure while the rest of the gang watched some movie about prehistoric peeps. The van almost broke down. (later it got even closer to breaking down. so much so that a trek out west was called off. it was Cory's van. but he played video games in the back most of the time without a drivers license in sight. )

... we also stopped by Andy's Dummy Farm. Andy is in his 80's and his entire property is decorated with hundreds of signs with shaky handwritten jokes painted on them, a huge assortment of pretty trash and broken things, dummy characters made out of panty hose outfit with vintage dresses and hats and suits and moustaches and sunglasses and handbags.

this is me, getting to the point:
many of his signs had WOW on them. and after the punchline of some extra special jokes it said WOW+WOW. and this is why the title of my post is such. 

because sometimes, when its 2am and i'm working in the enameling studio at NSCAD with my good buddy Erica, it hits me. just how awesome it is to be cohabitating with so many wonderful people with so many stories. so many options and emotions, weather conditions and songs, dinner parties and  destinations. this blog is all about the wonderful people i encounter. 

i had originally intended to start a Halifax street style blog (inspired by all the fantastic street style blogs out there and all the well dressed peeps  on the streets out there) ... but i find myself unable to narrow it down to just that. so i have opened this site up to all stylishness i see anywhere i am. 

i hope you enjoy this mish-mash of all the lovely little and big things i see day to day!

xoxo Zsuzsa Sun Tiger Szoke

PS: oh YA. friend of mine David (funky freshly dressed man pictured above) and i are making Vagabond Vintage sales happen around the city of Halifax. check out our facebook group by the same name. we'll post upcoming events on there and on here also. 

join the club, yo. look good for good prices !