Saturday, September 11, 2010

beet salad and besties

almond meal pancakes, Vanessa's homemade maple syrup, avocado pineapple and strawberry combo with macadamia coconut vanilla sauce, beet salade ... then a hike at the Hermitage, visit to grandparents and Locke Street festival with good friends!

kimchi for you and me

the order of the photos is backwards. but don't worry, the process was in the correcto order.

i had to get up on a chair to mix the extra large pot of cabbage around with the spicy mix. so much fun.

can't wait for those probiotics to happen!

i could marry you. she cries, you're my hero.
i have picked up a book from the middle of barton street.
perfect sounds, like music to match.
the ragged handsome man sits on the corner stoop
just like last time.


a friend comes dressed in gold and white
naturally she brings maple syrup.
amongst the giant mossy walls that look like the escarpment
termites of rain have made many tiny holes
bottle bongs dot ancient geology.
crispy apples, and a jump over the stream.

the lady in a white hijab and pretty eyes is excited
about the fluorescent pink medal and cancer fundraiser run
and with her disposable camera
she is taking pictures of a homestead's faded grandeur


i didn't plan on drinking wine
but my benefactor, upon her return from Detroit
insisted. i envisioned her doing this
much like i knew my ex-lover would be there
in turquoise jeans that were 20 cm longer than his legs

his art is up at a friend's apartment
painted paprika, the colour of pantyhose present
i borrow a book, brandy from Bermuda
in the desert, puffed-up dead bodies of cows and sheep
lay in pits
from fall-out confused


driving home
we think i can handle it
fog comes in in small patchy cloud formations
a rabbit dashes around a bush
deer pushing the shoulder
nibble on the topmost leaves

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Saturday, December 19, 2009

trend alert_(sometimes, i surprise myself)

glad to see this girl at the language into art opening. all up in der NSCAD snakey stair wells and crooked hallways. lots of peeps, tangerines, words being thrown around, images, symbols. you know. this is Sarah. come to think of it, i know she is friends with friends, but beyond that, much more remains to be discovered.

lovin the long pretty skirts and big utilitarian boot combo on da babes.

found myself in (most of) this outfit thanks to rachel collyer leaving the city of halifax. she left behind the ochre cardigan and emerald dress with big pockets and made from mysterious material. ultramarine tights from own collection. mocassins were Amy's. crocheted beret was Omi's. (ps: thats the NSCAD jewelry studio you see there. taking a break from enameling all nighter)

know what i mean, jelly bean ?

(that's yours truly up there at Halifax Crafters. located at nice new spacious space, good vibes as always)

it is now 2:01 am.
aforementioned cousin friend Jasmyn and family member Terez, Mama and Papa have been up watching home videos. good idea.

blogging has been left for the darkest coldest hours of the night and house.

i will be waking up for breakfast at 9 at friend Amanda's house. after which we shall be taking off to Buffalo ny to buy wedding dresses. one for me, one for you. (just kidding). perhaps some of our dresses will make it on here. perhaps that is irony. or just lack of foresight. who knows.

right. back on track.

i spotted this lady's steez from a hallway away (not a mile, but close) ... these pink tights and other pink things recently happenchancing make me dig pink all over again. welcome back old friend.

in the background we've got Valery's collages. does she have a website? let's see ....