Saturday, December 19, 2009

know what i mean, jelly bean ?

(that's yours truly up there at Halifax Crafters. located at nice new spacious space, good vibes as always)

it is now 2:01 am.
aforementioned cousin friend Jasmyn and family member Terez, Mama and Papa have been up watching home videos. good idea.

blogging has been left for the darkest coldest hours of the night and house.

i will be waking up for breakfast at 9 at friend Amanda's house. after which we shall be taking off to Buffalo ny to buy wedding dresses. one for me, one for you. (just kidding). perhaps some of our dresses will make it on here. perhaps that is irony. or just lack of foresight. who knows.

right. back on track.

i spotted this lady's steez from a hallway away (not a mile, but close) ... these pink tights and other pink things recently happenchancing make me dig pink all over again. welcome back old friend.

in the background we've got Valery's collages. does she have a website? let's see ....

1 comment:

  1. oh oops ps: her name is Sandi and she was born in SriLanka, raised in Prince Edward Island
